How Edibles Affect Different Drug Tests: An In-Depth Look at Detection Times

Smoking is not suitable for every marijuana user, which is why people opt for edibles for the safe consumption of CBD products. Edibles have become popular because of their metabolism pathways and detection times. Compared to inhaled marijuana, which delivers THC directly to the bloodstream through the lungs, edibles have to be absorbed first in the digestive system.

When you consume edibles, the effects take 30 to 120 minutes to manifest and 4 hours to reach peak blood concentrations. The type of blood test you will do will determine the detection of cannabis elements in your bloodstream.

Below is an in-depth look at detection times and how edibles affect different drug tests:

A Comprehensive Guide on Detection Times of Edible in Different Drug Tests

Metabolism of Edibles

When you smoke weed, THC is delivered directly to the bloodstream via the lungs, while edibles require absorption first in the digestive system. Onset takes time when you consume edibles because the process is slow and involves the liver. You should consider the metabolism rate to know how long do edibles stay in system.

It will take around 30 minutes to 2 hours to start seeing the effects of the edibles. The peak blood concentration takes about 2 to 4 hours. Because it takes time for you to have onset, THC and its metabolites are likely to stay in your body for extended periods.

Drug Tests on How Long Do Edibles Stay in System

Most institutions rely on urine to do drug tests because this method is designed to detect THC much faster compared to other procedures. The 11-hydroxy-THC metabolizes to be THC-COOH, and urine tests can detect marijuana if you have consumed marijuana for an extended period. The answer to how long do edibles stay in system for occasional users is upto three days for urine tests, while for regular users, it is 30 days.

Alternatively, experts might conduct a blood test to detect active elements of THC in your bloodstream. Since edibles take time to process, THC levels are likely to stay high in your blood compared to smoking. The detection window for blood tests may take up to 24 hours after consumption for regular users; in chronic users, it might extend to 7 days.

Factors Influencing Detection Times

If you take a high dose of the edible, you will have high concentrations of THC, which prolongs the detection time in all types of tets. Regular users are likely to have a massive buildup of THC metabolites for extended periods because of the frequent consumption of edibles.

If you are wondering how long do edibles stay in system, you should consider body fat and metabolism. THC binds with fat cells in your body, making it hard to flash it out. People with a high concentration of fat have a slower metabolism rate, making THC stay in the system for extended durations.


THC detection time varies in individuals depending on different factors, including metabolism and types of tests. Those who consume edibles frequently will likely have extended detection times because of the high concentrations. To know how long do edibles stay in system, consider the factors influencing detection times.

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